Monday, October 12, 2009

5 Steps to Defusing Discord on Your Team

Team disagreements can be constructive, but as a leader, you need to make sure they don't devolve into discord. Prolonged conflict on a team can be bad for morale, retention, and productivity. Use these five steps to address discord before it hurts your team:

1. Diagnose the root cause. What people are seemingly disagreeing over is likely not the real reason for the conflict. Often the problem is the result of something that happened long ago. Find the underlying cause first.
2. Don't take sides. As the leader, taking sides will only deepen the conflict and feed resentment.
3. Defuse the conflict. Make clear that cooperation in the solution is mandatory and that grudges will not be tolerated.
4. Find common ground. Focus team members on what they have in common and what they want and need to achieve together.
5. Follow through. Your work isn't over yet. Continue to monitor the situation and address any residual issues promptly

Written by John Baldoni

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